C4 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve  (Medium)
(any Tag call) Flow But Criss Cross It, Centers Cut Out, Long Trip, Magic Interlocked Diamond, Phantom Couples, Reverse Change-O, Short & Sweet, Skew, Skewsome, Swing About

Heads Swap The Top,

Scoot The Diamond,

Centers Switch The Wave,

Interlocked Magic Diamond, Diamond Circulate,

Cut The Diamond,

Cross Roll (each wave),

Finish Long Trip,

Phantom As Couples Pass & Roll,

Skewsome Step And Fold,


Skew Peel And Trail,

Split Phantom Boxes, Trapezoid, Counter Couple Up,

Skewsome Pass & Roll,

Skewsome Shake And Rattle,

O Short And Sweet,

O Reverse Change-O,

Skew Peel The Top,

Skewsome Swing About,

Split Phantom Lines Centers Cut Out,

Single Cross And Wheel,

Double Passer's Flow But Criss Cross It,


We all love interlocked magic diamonds
