Basic - SSD Week 6 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve  (Easy)
Allemande Left, Ladies Chain, Pass Thru, Promenade, Right & Left Thru, Star Thru

Head Ladies Chain,

Sides Right & Left Thru,

Heads Promenade 3/4,

Sides Star Thru,

   Pass Thru,

   Promenade Left 3/4,

Others Star Thru,

   Pass Thru,

   Promenade Left 3/4,

Others Star Thru,

   Pass Thru,

   Promenade Half,

Others Star Thru,

   Pass Thru,

Allemande Left

CDP This figure was named Walk Walk and published in SIO in the 1950s. At the end of the final Pass Thru the FASR = Zero Box.

Submitted by: Calvin Campbell