Mainstream - SSD Week 7 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve  (Hard)
(anything) & 1/4 More

Heads Lead Right,

Veer Left,


Wheel And Deal & 1/4 More,

Boys Trade,

Bend The Line,

Star Thru,

Forward And Back,

Pass Thru,

Wheel And Deal,

Centers Wheel Around,

Right And Left Thru,

Veer Left,

Circulate Twice,

Wheel And Deal & 1/4 More,

Boys Trade,

Bend The Line,

Pass Thru,

Allemande Left,


Theme is Wheel and Deal Wheel 1/4 more - At Wheel and Deal from a Two faced Line the Center Dancer is the piviot point. Normally the Dancer wheel 180 Degrees to the center of the Formation. Wheel 1/4 more means that the Dancers will turn 270 Degrees so we will get a two faced (Tidal) Line. Questions? Ask me

Submitted by: Marcel Konath