C4 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve  (Medium)
Tie, (anything) Cover Up, (Cover Up) But (anything), Bring Us Together, Collapse (The setup), Cross Breed Thru, Diamond Recycle, Fall Into A Column, Hang Loose, Reverse The Diamond, Spin Tag The Deucey, Tickle, Turn & Weave

Sides Vertical Turn And Weave,

Fall Into A Column,

3x1 Peel Off,

Crossover Cover Up But Diamond Recycle,

Mirror Bring Us Together,

Couples Twosome Swing And Mix,

Initially Heads Tickle,

Reverse The Diamond,

Collapse The Diamonds,


Heads Tie,

Two-Faced Spin Tag The Deucey Right,

Hang Loose,

Cross Breed Thru,

