by Jeff Garbutt

So where do "standard applications" fit in? And why do we need another "level" - don't we have enough?

I believe that Callerlab may have created something which just might solve one of square dancing's biggest problems - the disappearance of "Mainstream".

As I understand it from the letters and articles I've been reading in magazines over the last 5 years, the problem goes something like this:

I know I may have over-simplified the situation - and I would be happy if it were not true.

But if it is - is there any point at which it could have been stopped? The answer is yes - if there was an alternative to "level of the floor mainstream". This would allow those who want challenging mainstream to have it. This would also give newer mainstream dancers something positive to aim for.

I believe that is where Callerlab's "Standard Applications" may save the day. If dancers are able to choose between "Full Mainstream" and "Standard Mainstream", then:

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