by Kim & Gail Peterson

Now I know that not all Square Dancers have an interest or are even fortunate to have a desktop computer. I wouldn't even venture to guess that over 25 per cent of current dancers have a computer. However, the availability of Square Dance info over the Internet is astounding. A recent search of the Internet with the phrase "Square Dance" resulted in over 7,800 sites relating to Square Dancing. Now although I've used desktop micro- computers since 1983, I've only recently begun a steady use of the Internet. Notwithstanding, I've quickly learned to recognize a good ideas when I see one and I've recently found a Great Idea with which to assist in the promotion of Square Dancing. A neat Website trick for all of the Square Dance Internet Websites is the addition of a "MAP BUTTON", or map icon, for each club listing. This great idea was found on one of the pages of the Alamo Area SRDA (San Antonio, TX) at:

The use of one of the available No-Cost* map services currently available on the Internet, MapBlast for instance, and your clubs full address will result in colorful city map with the EXACT dance location. (* I hate using the word "free" - there's always a Mack truck coming at you from behind that word.) The MapBlast data entry site ( and your clubs full address (either street and street number or two intersecting streets) will provide a tortuous URL (unique resource locator) similar to the following: D3=Perryton%2C+TX

Now the aforementioned URL is the site for the Perryton Promenaders Square Dance Club, high up the Texas Panhandle, however the system will work for every club. Once a Map Button, with the respective URL, is placed on the club Internet Webpage , all future visitors will have an easy way finding the way to your next dance. It's simple and "inexpensive" means of providing dancers with the info they need to find your next dance. Give it a try.

The only unfortunate thing about Map Buttons is that it will pretty much wipe out any hopes I ever had on building a Square Dance site with maps and dance locations for clubs throughout the Five State area , but what the heck - it's great for the Square Dancing Community and that's what it's all about. Square Dancing has given Gail & I a hundred times more than I'll ever be able to give back, but I'm still trying....

Kim & Gail Peterson
Pampa, Texas

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Square Dance Articles Square Dance Articles
19-November-2006 14:40:28