Opposite Day

copyright (c) 1996 by Nasser Shukayr

One beautiful sunny morning, Jill said to Jack, "What a HORRIBLE day!".  Today was, of course, Opposite Day.  It's the one time of year when you say something but mean exactly the OPPOSITE.

"Here's an idea ... let's get dressed up in square dance clothes, because they're so comfortable and useful if we want to go out somewhere", said Jack.  "Yes", said Jill, "not to mention that if I happen to twirl, they'll make me fall down".

After a long day of telling continuous lies to each other, evening finally came around.  "You know", said Jack, "you really oughtta take cooking lessons.  I can't stand the meals you prepare".  Jill smiled and smiled because of the compliment, then said, "Let's stay home tonight.  Besides, tonight's caller is terrible".

As they walked in the door at the square dance club, they were warmly welcomed with "why did YOU have to show up?".  The club treasurer told them "tonight is a FREE dance".  So, they paid their money.  Soon, it's time to square up.  The caller announced, "Everyone form your circle and let's round dance".  So, Jack and Jill joined the nearest square.

The caller said, "I wish you would have all stayed home".  Just before putting the needle on the record, he informed the dancers "this is the BEST square dance record EVER made".  Soon, they all heard the familiar tune of "Mickey Mouse".


Jack and Jill, being Side Couples, stepped into the middle and faced their corners.

LEFT SWING THRU.  (They did a Swing Thru)

GIRLS RUN  (They did a Boys Run)

WHEEL & DEAL (they did a Ferris Wheel, but they would have done a Ferris Wheel anyway, even if it wasn't Opposite Day).

CENTERS ZOOM  (they did a Pass Thru)


HUNGARIAN FLING  (they did a back-to-back Do-Sa-Do)

WRONG WAY PROMENADE  (they promenaded)

DON'T STOP  (they stopped at home).

"Oh Jack", said Jill, "I'm not sure WHICH is more fun:  dancing with YOU, or being the CO-STAR of a story by NShukayr@aol.com".

"You're making PERFECTLY good sense", said Jack, "and I want to stay until the very END of this dance".

   Nasser  "sharing a few twisted thoughts"  Shukayr