Recruiting Puzzle-Dancers

copyright (c) 1997 by Nasser Shukayr

Since today's "real" square dancers supposedly enjoy PUZZLES,  it makes sense to target these people in our recruiting efforts.  Here's a sample flyer.

       Do you like puzzles?
     ?sdrawkcab daer uoy naC

Then you'll just LOVE modern western puzzle-dancing!

To find out how YOU can join, call the information HOTLINE.  You'll need the phone number.  Here's how to derive it:

- Start with what Denmark's Gross National Product was in 1982.
- Add what the noon temperature was in Sydney Australia (in degrees Kelvin) on the day Apollo 15 landed on the moon.
- Add the year Cloverflo first became a Quarterly Selection.
- Multiply by the cube root of the average depth of the Pacific Ocean (in furlongs).
- Divide by whatever the Prime Interest Rate was on the sixth Thursday following the 1978 vernal equinox.

Isn't this FUN?

After you dial the phone number you'll need to know the CODE WORD.  It's five letters:

- The FIRST letter is the last letter of the best-selling brand of pickles in Kentucky.
- The SECOND letter is the third letter in the middle name of the world record holder for javelin throwin'.
- The THIRD letter is the second letter of what the Atomic Symbol for element number 67 would be if the Periodic Table were alphabetized.
- There are only 676 possibilities for the 4th and 5th letters.  Print 'em ALL in a 23-point font.  Fold the paper in half, then measure 14.77 centimeters northeast from the midpoint.

Hope to see you in a square SOON!

   Nasser "arrive early: we're expecting a BIG crowd" Shukayr