
copyright (c) 2000 by Nasser Shukayr

Square dancing is a fun, exciting and DIFFERENT way to EXERCISE.  One of the best EXERCISES of all time is climbing STAIRS.

Square dancing involves socializing with great PEOPLE.  History's greatest PEOPLE all flew in AIRPLANES.

Square dancing is our HERITAGE.  Years ago, before JETWAYS, people used ROLLING STAIRCASES to get on and off airplanes.

There are thousands of old WHEELED STAIRS in airport storage rooms.  And now the BIG question:  can rolling airplane stairs be put to good use, in square dancing??


We're running out of choreographic patterns for eight dancers on the same PLANE (get it?  PLANE??  Aw, never mind).  Let's add a new element.  What happens if you roll a BIG STAIRCASE right up next to your square?  You can DANCE up and down the stairs.  Suddenly, you've got endless VARIETY!

Of course, we'll need new CALLS to move SOME OR ALL dancers UP OR DOWN the stairs.  Today's brilliant choreographic minds can easily invent the needed calls and formations.  Today we have "3 & 1 lines".  Tomorrow we might have "three on the ground, three more up one step, one more up another step, and the last one up two steps from there" lines.  Dancers will be scattered all up and down the staircase!  It will be FUN!

With ROLLING STAIRCASES, HIGH and LOW handholds take on a whole new meaning.

As we all CLIMB the LEVELS, it will be easy to see EXACTLY how far everyone has climbed.

It's fascinating to think about creative uses for rolling stairs.  Here's an example.

  Definition:  "Anything and ROLL".  Complete the previous call,
               then roll the staircase no more than ONE quarter
               (1/4) around the outside perimeter of the set.
  Creative Caller:  Roll TWO quarters.
  Dancer #1:  Wow, that's so interesting and creative!
  Dancer #2:  You're violating the definition!
  Dancer #3:  Please roll one MORE quarter, so I can get my
              TOES out from under the staircase wheels!

Rolling staircases will save MONEY.  How much money do we spend each year on STAGES for callers to stand on?  A much better solution:  ROLLING STAIRCASES.

Brand-new callers will only be allowed to stand on the FIRST step.  As callers improve, they can move up.  Only the BEST callers will be allowed to call from the TOP step.  They'll be known as TOP callers.

Everyone loves a PARADE.  What if we had a yearly STAIRCASE parade?  Each caller would climb a staircase, to his/her properly authorized step.  Dancers would push the staircases around.  NEW callers, standing LOW, can't see where they're going.  They'll bump into things, and stay lost most of the time.  But TOP callers, riding TALL on their staircases, will have a GRAND view.

Rolling staircases will help recruit NEW dancers.  The public often IGNORES square dance demos.  Rolling staircases will catch their ATTENTION!  With a rolling STAIRCASE beside each square, our activity becomes much more VISIBLE!  Non-dancers will NOTICE us.  They'll want to JOIN!  They'll sign up, for however many lessons it takes, to learn how to dance on a rolling staircase!

Rolling staircases will save TIME!  How much TIME do we spend each month, trying to bring new people into square dancing?
       Whoa, WHO said that?  Stop interrupting!!
As I was saying ... with rolling staircases, you can recruit new dancers without saying a WORD.  Just SHOW 'em!  They'll see the staircase, hear the music, watch the dancers climb the stairs, and they'll want to join!  Well, not EVERYONE will want to join.  But the more people you show, the more new climbers you'll get!

Rolling staircases are available right now, no one else can find a use for 'em, they are easy to use, they will help us recruit new people, and they will improve square dancing.  So, roll a staircase into your square, today!

  Nasser "make mine a tall one" Shukayr