The Importance of a Caller

copyright (c) 1995 by Nasser Shukayr

Let's face it:  you can't have a square dance without DANCERS!

Okay, let's suppose we've got a bunch of dancers, and we're gonna have a square dance.  We could, of course, have it outside, but just about everyone prefers to dance in a DANCE HALL.

Okay, we've got dancers and we've got a hall.  Someone could holler (Southern for 'shout') out the calls, but I think most people prefer to hear the calls from some type of SOUND EQUIPMENT.

So far, the three most important ingredients of a square dance are Dancers, Hall, and Sound Equipment.  We could make a very strong case for the next three most important elements being RECORDS, AIR CONDITIONING AND/OR HEATING, and LIGHT BULBS.  After all, who would want to dance with no music, when it's extremely hot or cold, or in the dark?

Okay, we've just about gathered all the necessary ingredients for a square dance.  Someone could turn on the LIGHTS, set the HEATING/A.C., put a RECORD (the called side, of course) on the SOUND EQUIPMENT, and invite all the DANCERS in the DANCE HALL to square up.  Please answer this one question:  Could a Square Dance actually take place under the scenario described above?  You betcha it could!

So, what's the missing ingredient?  It's an important component of a square dance.  In fact, the missing ingredient is in the Top Seven Most Necessary Ingredients.  It's ... THE CALLER.  Yep, callers ARE important, and their importance ranks right on up there, just under Light Bulbs.

   Nasser  "at least we're in the Top Seven"  Shukayr