Evolution of a Caller

copyright (c) 1995 by Nasser Shukayr

 (1)  I'm learning to be a caller.
 (2)  I wish someone would book me to call a dance.
 (3)  I've got my first booking to call a dance.
 (4)  Sorry, I'm already booked on that date.
 (5)  I'm a traveling caller.
 (6)  I've called in 'x' states and 'y' foreign countries.
 (7)  I call thru C-3.
 (8)  I only do weekends and festivals.
 (9)  Sorry, your club isn't big enough to book a caller of my caliber.
(10)  I wish someone would book me to call a dance.

   Nasser "Forever in Stage (1)"  Shukayr