Get Rich Quick

copyright (c) 1996 by Nasser Shukayr

Tired of slaving away at your dull boring job?  Get Rich Quick with Square Dancing!  Oh I know what you're thinking:  fiddles, barns, bales of hay.  You're thinking about Old-Timey Square Dancing!  The modern way to Get Rich Quick is with New-Fangled Square Dancing!

Here's all you gotta do:  Get five friends to work with you.  They're your Diamond Distributors.  Have each of them get five friends, and now you've got 25 Ruby Distributors.  Each Ruby gets five Pearl Distributors, and each Pearl Distributor gets 5 Kids-Marble-Cut-in-Half-and-Polished Distributors.  This gives you a total of 780 people.

Now all you gotta do is call square dances for these people, and suddenly you're raking in the big bucks!  If you're a good caller, these people will gladly pay you to call for them.  And if you're NOT a good caller, don't worry, you can still Get Rich Quick:  simply don't charge anything to START calling for these people, but make 'em pay you to STOP!

You're probably thinking, "But who's gonna teach these people to square dance?".  That's the most beautiful part about the entire system!  NO ONE has to teach 'em to dance.  They teach themselves!  All they gotta do is log on to the square dance section of the internet and download any message with the word "Teach" in the subject!

You may be thinking, "It can't be that easy".  But it IS!  Before I discovered this amazing secret to success, I was working 22 hours a day driving an empty truck around town.  Now I'm working 3 hours a week and making more money than I ever dreamed possible!  Thousands of others have used square dancing as the easy way to riches.  If they can do it, you can too!  Don't let this opportunity pass you by!

Now, what would you pay for a money-making system like this?  Before you answer, keep in mind our Triple Money-Back Guarantee!  Yes, that's right, if you honestly try this plan and if it doesn't work as promised, we'll give you not once, not twice, but Triple your money back!  (except shipping and handling).

But wait, there's more.  If you order today, we'll send you, absolutely free, a set of five amazing Ginsu knives.  Now, how much would you pay?  Go ahead:  tell me how much you would pay.  Just take a wild guess.  No one will make fun of you if you guess wrong, so you can't possibly lose, so just go ahead and make some type of guess.

Nanny Nanny Boo Boo, you weren't even close.  Your total cost for the Triple Guaranteed, Sure-Fire, 5 diamond, 25 Ruby, 125 Pearl, 625 half-marble, Get Rich Quick, self-teaching, they pay you to stop, Ginsu knife system is:  absolutely ZERO!  (plus shipping and handling)

Order today!  To order your guaranteed Get Rich Quick system, call our 800 number today and have your credit card ready.  Your cost is ZERO, plus only $400.00 shipping and handling.  What are you waiting for?  Do it, NOW!

   Nasser  "please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery"  Shukayr