Graduation Test

copyright (c) 1997 by Nasser Shukayr

So, you think you've finally learned how to square dance, and now you're ready to GRADUATE?  Hah!  NOT until you take a TEST!

First item:  Make a Mini-Wave.

OOPS, sorry, you didn't get the right answer!  According to the CALLERLAB definitions, a Mini-Wave is an OCEAN WAVE of TWO dancers.  And an Ocean Wave is a formation of THREE OR MORE dancers.  Substituting one equation into the other, we find that a Mini Wave is a formation of THREE OR MORE dancers consisting of TWO dancers.  Therefore, a Mini-Wave cannot mathematically exist.  Therefore, You Lose.

Hey, too bad you missed the first question on your test.  Maybe you'll do better with the remaining items.

Second item:  You've just spent months learning how to square dance, only to discover that many callers are on a personal mission to prove to you how much they know and you don't.  Name a letter.

Oh goody, you got the right answer!!  It's the letter "Y".

Third item:  You are dancing at the zoo.  To your left is Mr. Elephant.  To your right is his wife, Mrs. Rhinocerous.  Hanging around somewhere is their child.  Who is your partner?

OOPS, sorry, wrong answer!  The correct answer is the child of the elephant and rhinocerous, "Elef-Ino".  You Lose.

Fourth item:  If a caller has spent HOURS preparing a choreographic puzzle, and if the dancers cannot solve the puzzle within a few SECONDS, are they generally considered to be poor dancers?

Oh goody, you got it right, the answer is "Yes".

Fifth item:  Whose fault is it?  You may be wondering "whose fault is WHAT?", but that doesn't matter.  The question is, no matter what is wrong with square dancing, whose fault is it?

OOPS, sorry, you got it wrong.  The most commonly accepted answer today is "Not Mine".  Indeed, if everyone would just drop their own faulty beliefs and embrace the correct ones (i.e., mine), all problems would go away.

Well well, let's see how you scored.  You only got two out of five.  What a shame.  If you woulda got 'em ALL right, you could be a CHALLENGE dancer.  4 out of 5 would qualify you for PLUS.  3 of 5 and you could be a caller.  With 2 out of 5, I'm afraid you'll just have to start all over in lessons.

   Nasser "1 of 5 qualifies you to post on the internet"  Shukayr