by Jeff Garbutt ~ Bunbury, Western Australia

One of the most common statements about Square Dancing lately is that we have problems. and that "something is wrong". Some people have been known to ask "what is wrong with the square dance movement?" Some say that maybe Square Dancing won't last.

First off - I'd like to make the following bold statement: Yes - Square Dancing is in danger of dying - not because anything is wrong with It -but because we are in danger of falling victim to a "self full-filling prophecy" if we keep looking at the negatives.

To digress here a little bit. Most researchers of the human "thought processes'" tend to agree that our actions are directed by some default program running in our "sub-conscious mind". And that if you tell yourself often enough that you behave in a particular way it will become imprinted into your sub-conscious programming to the extend of controlling your actions. Thus if you keep telling yourself that you are a failure - you will become a failure no matter how hard you try otherwise. (The self full-filling prophecy). If you program yourself for success - then your subconscious will help you to find unique solutions to problems. You may not be successful every time - but you will be most of the time. (Which is better than the alternative of always finding failure.) Now here's where we, (The Square Dance Movement), fit in - some researchers also believe that this sub-conscious program applies to groups as well as individuals.

Now back to Square Dancing. Let's look at solving our "problems". Firstly I would like to take the statement "what is wrong" and turn it around by asking - "What is right with square dancing ?" I'm sure we could come up with many positive statements about square dancing. For instance: * Square dancing is easy to team. Now you may find this hard to believe. but think about it for a while. Early in our lives we team how to walk, and the process is permanently programmed into our subconscious. We don't have to think about where to place our feet - it is automatic. We only need to think about which direction to walk to. Well guess what square dancing involves - "walking in defined directions." It comes natural - we don't have to worry about the placement of our feet as we would need to for 'ball room' or even "line dancing".

Now the above list is not complete. I'm sure everyone of you can add to this list. So let's exploit these positives. Surely there are people out there who are looking for activities that have some of the many positive attributes that square dancing has.

Now I would like to suggest some things that we - as dancers, callers, dubs and committees can do to help.

Of Course the above will not solve our problems, and the list is not complete - but if we all work together and work towards the overall good of the movement - we will find the answers we are all looking for.

But whatever you do - don't give up. The patient may be ill, but with some "TLC" (tender loving care) can be nursed be nursed back to health - instead of talking it into a "mercy killing".

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Square Dance Articles Square Dance Articles

19-November-2006 14:43:20