A new national organization is formed to guide Square Dancing into the next century.

By Jim Maczko

On January 20 and 21, 1999 representatives from eight national organizations met in Baltimore, Maryland to discuss issues related to the square dance activity. The unanimous consensus of the group was that there was a need for a national council to provide a unified voice to address issues related to the well-being and advancement of the activity. A recommendation for the framework of the National Council of Square Dance Organizations (NCSDO) was unanimously approved. This recommendation will be sent to each of the national organizations for their endorsement, and to solicit their membership in NCSDO.

The meeting was hosted and underwritten by United Square Dancers of America (USDA), and attended by representatives of the American Callers Association (ACA), CALLERLAB, the International Association of Gay Square Dance Clubs (IAGSDC), LEGACY, the National Executive Committee of the National Square Dance Convention (NEC), ROUNDALAB, USA West Convention Policy Board, and USDA.

The Round Table Discussion Group hosted by United Square Dancers of America developed the following recommendations:

A Committee be formed by one voting representative from each of the following organizations:

American Callers Association
B & B International
International Association of Gay Square Dance Clubs
National Executive Committee of the National Square Dance Convention
National Square Dance Campers Association
Single Square Dancers USA
USA West Square Dance Convention Policy Board Association
United Square Dancers of America

This Committee shall be known as the NATIONAL COUNCIL OF SQUARE DANCE ORGANIZATIONS. This Council will hold their first meeting on Saturday, May 15, 1999, in Cleveland, Ohio in conjunction with the LEGACY meeting.

The Following Mission Statement was adopted:

To develop and present to its member organizations, for the purpose of adoption by each, goals to enhance the Square Dance activity.


New Dancer recruitment
Image (marketing and dress code)
Promotion (advertising - national and corporate sponsors)
Retention of Dancers in the activity

It is hoped by having input from all of the major Square Dancing organizations, and uniting behind one combined organization, there will be many new ideas and the ability to implement those ideas on a national level.

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