The Square Dance Dog
The guide dog puppy in training who loves to go square dancing.

By John Brant

Vista is a one year old Yellow Labrador Retriever who is in training to become a Seeing Eye Dog. His "foster parents" are Pamela and John Brant who are members of the Ramona Squares Square Dance Club (San Diego area). "One of the main responsibilities as raisers is to socialize Vista as much as possible so he will be ready to go out into the world as a working dog and be able to handle a variety of situations," said Pamela. She continues, "We take him to as many places as possible, such as restaurants and stores. The dances help him get use to people moving around, being pet, and music (noise to him).

Vista loves to go to the Tuesday night workshop/class. He has made many friends. He especially enjoys thinking about the food table accidentally falling over and he being off the leash long enough to inhale all the food. Of course, this has not happened, but a dog can dream can't he?. "He starts hoping we are going to take him somewhere when John and I are preparing to leave for the dance. He knows for sure we are going dancing when I pick up my large stiff square dance slip. He then gets excited and runs for the truck," Pamela said. Vista is usually bored with the dancing. When the club is dancing Vista lies on the floor, sometimes sleeping. When the music stops, and the squares make tight circles to say "thank you", Vista jumps up, ready to greet all of his friends.

Vista will soon be going to school (Guide Dogs of America) for his formal harness training. The Ramona Squares will miss him, but he will be going on to help someone visually challenged. He probably won't be attending square dances, but he will be doing many other things and making many more friends.

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